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Tagliatelle from Romagna

A stample food of the people of Romagna, especially the version served with classic ragù sauce.


Many locals consider Tagliatelle the undisputed queen of home-made pasta, to be enjoyed as a sunday meal or on special occasions with important guests.

The real Tagliatelle always have a rough, textured surface, and never smooth or slippery, thanks to three elements: good flour, freshly laid eggs, and the perfect and cooking process.

In Romagna, we know that the secret of good Tagliatelle is in the manual ability, technique, and expert movements of the cook, who with the heat of their hands and rolling pin skills is able to knead the dough and roll out the perfect sheet of pasta.

Before rolling it, remember to cover the dough with a cotton tea towel and leave it to rest for around 30 minutes. The end resultmust be compact, soft, evenly consistent, and elastic. If needed, you can always correct your dough: if it’s too soft, add more flour; if it’s too hard, add a small amount of lukewarm water.

Once you have rolled out the sheet of pasta, leave it to dry covering it with a tea towel. Then you can proceed by folding the sheet like an accordion and cutting it with a sharp knife, to obtain pasta ribbons of your desired length, based on the sauce you will be using. for example, Tagliatelle served with pork ragù sauce are wider; on the other hand, those made to be enjoyed with Stridoli sauce are thinner.

For the perfect final result, cook the Tagliatelle in plenty of salted water, stir gently with a wooden fork, to help the tagliatelle stretch out. Once the pasta comes to the surface, turn off the heat and add cold water to stop it cooking.
Dain put the Tagliatelle in a tureen and first dust with plenty of grated Parmigiano, then add your souce of choice.

You can serve Tagliatelle with your favourite sauce: in spring, with stridoli, wild asparagus, or peas; if you like bolder flavours, with sausage, meat ragù, poultry giblets, ham, truffle, mushrooms, rabbit, hare, or bacon sauce.




Osteria Passatelli

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