Some call them Pasaden others Passatini. Whatever name is used, everyone knows that passatelli are a delicious typical dish from Romagna, as typical as the kitchen tool that was once used to make them, “Fèr di Pasadéin“, the iron for the Passatelli. It’s a slightly convex disk covered in holes attached to a horizontal bar with two handles to hold it firmly and press on the dough to make it “pass” through the holes and come out in the characteristic Passatelli shape.
Passatelli are made combining on a board breadcrumbs obtained from stale bread and eggs. Squash the dough using the special tool or adding a bit of it at the time in a potato ricer. Your Passatelli will be 4-5cm long. Let them rest for 10 minutes, then put them in boiling broth. As soon as they come to the surface, transfer them into a tureen adding plenty of grated Parmigiano Reggiano.
Traditionally, families in Romagna used to enjoy Passatelli at easter. Today it’s a recipe for every occasion, a dish especially popular on sundays as a deliciously tasty first course.